
This quotation by a 17th-century pastor, Willem Teellinck, is encouraging in light of today’s news and event (from Redeeming the Time, p. 36):

When you begin to consider the things which are happening all over the world, always remember that the Lord is working in them.  He who can bring light out of darkness, will yet from the completed and combined work bring forth something glorious.  Be not therefore too much vexed that there appears somewhere to come an ill stroke in your own affairs, or in the affairs of God’s people in your day, as is now the case; for the Lord would not permit this to take place, did He not mean to use it as a background to give the whole work a more beautiful lustre.

6 thoughts on “Providence

  1. Life would be vexing without knowing God is in control. Every chapter in the Bible lets us know He is in control and moving all things for His glory. The whole of the Bible teaches us God uses man’s sin for His glory. The first century church and throughout the ages the Christian church has always gone through various trials. God is in control.

    • Hi Bill,

      I have read your comment just today – apology for this delayed response. Thank you very much for taking the time to visit and to leave a comment. That is true – in reading the Old Testament and New Testament, we can see how God has orchestrated events throughout Biblical history and used all things for His glory and the good of His people. He has used various trials also to purify His Church. Thank you for writing and for your encouraging reminder.

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